Progetto Codice ARS01_00825 - Area di Specializzazione “Agrifood”, PON R&I 2014-2020 e FSC

Elenco pubblicazioni di progetto


  1. Castellini M., Giglio L., Modugno F., 2020. Sampled Soil Volume Effect on Soil Physical Quality Determination: A Case Study on Conventional Tillage and No-Tillage of the Soil under Winter Wheat. Soil Syst., 4, 72.
  2. Castellini M., Stellacci A.M., Di Prima S., Iovino M., Bagarello V., 2020. Improved Beerkan run methodology to assess water impact effects on infiltration and hydraulic properties of a loam soil under conventional- and no-tillage. Soil Sci Soc Am J.
  3. Foti P., Romeo F.V., Russo N., Pino A., Vaccalluzzo A., Caggia C., Randazzo C.L., 2021. Olive MillWastewater as Renewable Raw Materials to Generate High Added-Value Ingredients for Agro-Food Industries. Sci. 2021, 11, 7511.
  4. La Bella E., Baglieri A., Rovetto E.I., Stevanato P., Puglisi I., 2021. Foliar Spray Application of Chlorella vulgaris Extract: Effect on the Growth of Lettuce Seedlings. Agronomy 2021, 11, 308.
  5. Leanza P.M., Valenti F., D’Urso P.R., Arcidiacono C., 2021. A combined MaxEnt and GIS-based methodology to estimate cactus pear biomass distribution: application to an area of southern Italy. Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref.
  6. Toscano S. and Romano D., 2021. Morphological, Physiological, and Biochemical Responses of Zinnia to Drought Stress. Horticulturae 2021, 7, 362.
  7. Anzalone A., Mosca A., Dimaria G., Nicotra D., Tessitori M., Privitera G.F., Pulvirenti A., Leonardi C., Catara V., 2022. Soil and Soilless Tomato Cultivation Promote Different Microbial Communities That Provide New Models for Future Crop Interventions. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23, 8820.
  8. Bondì C., Castellini M., Iovino M., 2022. Compost Amendment Impact on Soil Physical Quality Estimated from Hysteretic Water Retention Curve. Water, 14, 1002.
  9. Castellini M., Diacono M., Preite A., Montemurro F., 2022. Short- And Medium-Term Effects of On-Farm Compost Addition on the Physical and Hydraulic Properties of a Clay Soil. Agronomy, 12, 1446.
  10. Castellini M., Di Prima S., Stewart R., Biddoccu M., Rahmati M., Alagna V., 2022. Advances in Ecohydrology for Water Resources Optimization in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas. Water, 14, 1830.
  11. La Bella E., Baglieri A., Fragalà F., Puglisi I., 2022. Multipurpose Agricultural Reuse of Microalgae Biomasses Employed for the Treatment of Urban Wastewater. Agronomy 2022, 12, 234.
  12. Puglisi I., La Bella E., Rovetto E.I., Stevanato P., Fascella G., Baglieri A., 2022. Morpho‑biometric and biochemical responses in lettuce seedlings treated by different application methods of Chlorella vulgaris extract: foliar spray or root drench? Journal of Applied Phycology (2022) 34:889–901.
  13. Vanella D., Ramírez‑Cuesta J.M., Longo‑Minnolo G., Longo D., D’Emilio A., Consoli S., 2022. Identifying soil‑plant interactions in a mixed‑age orange orchard using electrical resistivity imaging. Plant Soil.
  14. Ventura D., Rapisarda R., Sciuto L., Milani M., Consoli S., Cirelli G.L., Licciardello F., 2022. Application of first-order kinetic removal models on constructed wetlands under Mediterranean climatic conditions. Ecological Engineering 175 (2022) 106500.
  15. Agosta M., Alagna V., Bagarello V., Caltabellotta G., Iovino M., Vaccaro G., 2023. Hydrodynamic response of a loam soil after wetting with different methods. Journal of Hydrology 2023, Available online, 129770.
  16. Bondì  C., Concialdi P., Iovino M., Bagarello V., 2023. Assessing short- and long-term modifications of steady-state water infiltration rate in an extensive Mediterranean green roof. Heliyon 2023, Volume 9, Issue 6, e16829.  
  17. Cappeluti O., Bruno M.R., Modugno A.F., Ferrara R.M., Gaeta L., De Carolis G. and Campi P., 2023. The use of mixed composed amendments to improve soil water content and peach growth (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch) in a mediterranean environment. Water 2023, 15, 1708. 
  18. Milenovic M., Eickermann M., Junk J., Rapisarda C., 2023. Life history parameters of Bemisia tabaci MED (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) in the present and future climate of central Europe, predicted by physically realistic climatic chamber simulation. Environmental Entomology 52(3), 2023, 502-509. 
  19. Paz A.M., Amezketa E.,  Canfora L., Castanheira N., Falsone G., Gonçalves M.C., Gould I., Hristov B. Mastrorilli M., Ramos T., Thompson R.,9 Costantini E.A.C. 2023. Salt-affected soils: field-scale strategies for prevention, mitigation, and adaptation to salt accumulation. Italian Journal of Agronomy 2023; volume 18:2166. https://doi:10.4081/ija.2023.2166
  20. Sacco A., Sciuto L., Licciardello F., Cirelli G.L., Milani M., Barbera A.C., 2023. Effects of Solids Accumulation on Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Substrate, Plant Growth and Performance of a Mediterranean Horizontal Flow Treatment Wetland. Environments 2023, 10, 30.
  21. Timpanaro, G., Pecorino, B., Chinnici, G., Bellia, C., Cammarata, M., Cascone, G., Scuderi, A., 2023. Exploring innovation adoption behavior for sustainable development of Mediterranean tree crops. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7, art. no. 1092942.
  22. Bondì, C., Castellini, M., Iovino, M. 2024. Temporal variability of physical quality of a sandy loam soil amended with compost. Biologia,
  23. Castellini, M., Bondi, C., Giglio. L., Iovino, M. 2024. Impact of vermicompost addition on water availability of differently textured soils. Heliyon, 


  1. Castellini M., 2021. Il Biochar può migliorare le proprietà fisiche del suolo: risultati preliminari dal Progetto “W4AF”. Rivista online di agricoltura, zootecnia, ambiente. Rivista n. 355 del 1° dicembre 2021. link all’articolo
  2. Cavazza F., Gentile S.L., Solimando D., Genovesi R., Anconelli S., Zucaro R., Letterio T., 2022. Quando l’irrigazione è a rateo variabile. Terra e Vita, 2022. link all’articolo.
  3. Giglio L., Scazzarriello R., Fiore A., Preite A., Diacono M., Persiani A., Castellini M., 2022. Effetti dell’uso di compost di qualità prodotto in azienda sulle proprietà fisiche e idrauliche dei suoli argillosi. Agrifoglio n. 111 – ottobre-dicembre. link all’articolo


  1. Bondì C., Castellini M. and Iovino M., 2022. Impact of compost addition on physical quality of a loam soil estimated from hysteretic water retention curve. 12th International AIIA Conference: “Biosystems Engineering towards the Green Deal” Improving the resilience of agriculture, forestry and food systems in the post-Covid era. September 19-22, Palermo – Italy. ABSTRACT
  2. Bruno M. R., Cappelluti O., De Carolis G., Mongelli T., Rana G., Ferrara R. M., Modugno A. F., Campi P., 2022. Use of mulching film in arboriculture: effects of temperature and water soil content on peach (prunus persica (l.) batsch) fruit growth continuously monitored . Atti del XXIV Convegno Nazionale di Agrometeorologia: “L’Agrometeorologia a supporto dei sistemi colturali e zootecnici”, Cagliari, 15-17/06/2022, ISBN 9788854970892, p. 66-70. – (POSTER)
  3. Bruno M.R., Rana G., Ferrara R.M., Cappelluti O., De Carolis G., Gaeta L., Modugno A.F., Campi P.. Evaluation of continuous monitoring of peach (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch) growth in response to vapor pressure deficit in two specific time of the maturation and the harvest. Atti convegno Italian Society for Agronomy – 51st  National Conference. Agriculture and food availability in 2050, Padova, 19-21 September 2022, 147-148. Extended Abstract – (POSTER)
  4. Di Guardo M., Modica G., Arcidiacono F., Costantino D., Baglieri A., Puglisi I., La Malfa S., Continella A., Gentile A., 2022. Physiological and transcriptomic response of different Citrus rootstocks to salt stress. 31st International Horticultural Congress (IHC2022), 14-20 August 2022, Congress Centre Angers-France. (POSTER).
  5. Nicotra D., Anzalone A., Mosca A., Dimaria G., Modica F., Cirvilleri G., Catara V., 2022. Identification and characterization of tomato bacterial endophytes and preliminary evaluation for consortia-based biocontrol products. 14th International Conference on Plant Pathogenic Bacteria. Assisi (PG), 3-8 July. (POSTER).
  6. Rizzo G.F., Ciccarello L., Felis M.D., Mortada A., Cirelli G.L., Milani M., Branca F., 2022. Agronomic effects of reclaimed water used for tomato (Solanum lycopersicum ) and lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) irrigation. 31st International Horticultural Congress (IHC2022), 14-20 August 2022, Congress Centre Angers-France.
  7. Sciuto L., Licciardello F., Barbagallo S. and Cirelli G.L., 2022. Environmental and economic advantages of Giant Reed harvesting in semi-arid climate conditions. 12th International AIIA Conference: “Biosystems Engineering towards the Green Deal” Improving the resilience of agriculture, forestry and food systems in the post-Covid era. September 19-22, Palermo – Italy. ABSTRACT
  8. Bruno M.R., Cappelluti, O., Ferrara R.M., De Carolis G., Modugno A.F., Gaeta L., Rana, G., Minorenti V., Campi P., 2023. Valutazione delle variabili agro-climatiche misurate in tempo reale sulla crescita del pesco pacciamato (Prunus Persica (L.) Batsch) in due anni produttivi. Atti del XXV Convegno Nazionale di Agrometeorologia: “L’Agrometeorologia per la gestione delle risorse e delle limitazioni ambientali in agricoltura”, Matera, 14-16/06/2023, 44-48.
  9. Cappelluti O., Bruno M.R., Modugno A.F., Ferrara R.M., Gaeta L., De Carolis G., Campi P., 2023. Migliorare il contenuto idrico del suolo in un pescheto in ambiente mediterraneo con l’applicazione di un ammendante compostato misto. Atti del XXV Convegno Nazionale di Agrometeorologia: “L’Agrometeorologia per la gestione delle risorse e delle limitazioni ambientali in agricoltura”, Matera, 14-16/06/2023, 34-38.
  10. Catalano G. A., Maci F., Valenti F., D’Urso P.R., Arcidiacono C., 2023. Application of geospatial models for suitability and distribution potential of citrus: a case study in eastern Sicily. AIIA 2022: Biosystems Engineering Towards the Green Deal, “Improving the resilience of agriculture, forestry and food systems in the post-Covid era”, Palermo, September 19-22, 1107-1114.
  11. De Carolis G., Bruno M.R., Piarulli M., Campi P., Modugno A.F., Gaeta L., Martinelli N., Minorenti V., Maggi P., Ciurlia A., Azzolini A., Rana G., Ferrara R.M., 2023. Effetto della pacciamatura sull’efficienza di uso dell’acqua di un pescheto in ambiente mediterraneo. Atti del XXV Convegno Nazionale di Agrometeorologia: “L’Agrometeorologia per la gestione delle risorse e delle limitazioni ambientali in agricoltura”, Matera, 14-16/06/2023, 39-43.
  12. Gaeta L., Bruno M.R., Campi P., Cappelluti O., De Carolis G., Modugno A.F., Rana G., Ferrara R.M., 2023. Influence of Microclimatic conditions on vegetative growth and fruit quality of a peach orchard (Prunus Persica (L.) Batsch) grown under colored shading net (Chromatinet® Red 40%). Atti del XXV Convegno Nazionale di Agrometeorologia: “L’Agrometeorologia per la gestione delle risorse e delle limitazioni ambientali in agricoltura”, Matera, 14-16/06/2023, 72-76.
  13. Romano E., Calcagno F., Bisaglia C., Furnitto N., Schillaci G., Failla S., 2023. Application of spectral indices for the evaluation of conservative techniques in crops management.  AIIA 2022: Biosystems Engineering Towards the Green Deal: “Improving the resilience of agriculture, forestry and food systems in the post-Covid era”, Palermo, September 19-22, 2022,  871–879.
  14. Ventura D., Licciardello F., Sciuto L., Milani M., Barbagallo S., Cirelli G.L., 2023. Adapting P-k-C* model in Mediterranean climate for organic removal performance in horizontal treatment wetlands. AIIA 2022: Biosystems Engineering Towards the Green Deal, “Improving the resilience of agriculture, forestry and food systems in the post-Covid era”, Palermo, September 19-22, 2022,  201-209.